
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

FINAL Upcycled Challenge: WILD CARD - random upcycled things #freefromtrash

Well, it has been a fun month of crafting and blogging.  I hope you have enjoyed some of my crafts!!  Thank you so much to Calley at EcoChic for hosting the Challenge and Kate at Zmombie and the other moms who participated in many of the challenges for motivating me to continue.  It isn't easy crafting with kids sometimes!!  Some of my favorites were the k-cupsicles, baby food jar lid checkers, the hummingbird feeder and the pet food bag camera wallet.  Please check them out if you didn't get to previously!!

So here are a couple of random upcycled things that didn't fit into any of the challenge categories:

Old coat rack to Tomato Plant Stand

Plastic Flower cup to Hummingbird Birdbath

Did you know that conventional bird baths are too deep for hummingbirds? Generally they use shallow pools or even dripping or misting water to bathe in as well as clean their beaks of sticky nectar.  When we got these cups at a street fair over the 4th of July, I immediately thought they would make cute bird baths for such little birds.  I don't know if they will use it but here is how I constructed it.  Basically I used several brown pipe cleaners to make a perch around the top perimeter of the cup and hot glued it in place. Then I used another brown pipe cleaner circle and attached two long loops of fishing line.  The cup fits into the pipe cleaner circle (I didn't glue it because I want to be able to remove and wash the cup frequently) and then I just tied the two loops of fishing line together at the to make the hanger.  I added a couple of river rocks to weigh the cup down a bit and then filled with water.  Hummies have checked it out but haven't used it yet.