
Thursday, June 7, 2012

New Toys

I'm back from Italy and while I do want to keep this blog as active as possible my posts will be further between just because the kids are MOBILE!!  Jack is crawling like crazy and pulling himself to standing and is surfing along the couch edge so it is only a matter of time before he is walking.  Greyson finally "got with the program" and has pulled up his belly and is crawling like a pro.  He is very strong so I am sure he'll not be too far behind Jack in the walking department. So needless to say I won't have a ton of time to blog.

Anyways the topic that just crossed my head this morning is about toys.  Yesterday my good friend Jen allowed me to go through all her kids' old toys. I realized this morning that the majority that I had chosen were wooden or somewhat educational.  Like the Manhattan Toy Skwish which i love because it is cute and somewhat reminds me of the wooden tinker toys we had growing up and also because it is squishable, meaning that when my kids tumble over on it it doesn't cause any injuries. Bonus! Another is the wooden Melissa and Doug Friendly Fish Grasping toy. For some reason Jack loves this toy especially for teething purposes.  We also got a Discovery Channel/Fisher Price viewmaster (cassettes to be located later) as well as a Baby Einstein Baby Bach DVD, Vtech and Leapfrog electronic books and a Baby's First Words Board book.  Now don't get me wrong - we also got some cool trucks like a Tonka soft monster truck and a fire truck.  Boys love trucks. 

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