Saturday, June 9, 2012
Done with Velcro (sorry, "hook and loop")
OK. So in the cloth diapering community Velcro is called "hook and loop" because Velcro is a brand name just like "Kleenex" are a brand of tissues and "Bandaids" are a brand of bandages even though these are used in the vernacular to describe many brands of tissues and bandages, respectively. UGH. So I am DONE with hook and loop (H + L) diapers. We have been diapering in cloth for 9 months now and have been a lover of Thirsties brand since the beginning. We use the Thirsties fab fitted, Thirsties covers, Thirsties duo AIOs, Thirsties old style AIOs, and Thirsties Duo pockets diapers. Until recently I have loved all of the Thirsties products but the H + L on these dipes have gotten weaker and weaker over time. I do my best to close the laundry tabs when I wash these dipes and I also occasionally pick out any accumulated fuzz that H + L naturally gathers. My kids are 9 months now and getting very handsy. They will fuss with the H + L closures and occasionally I have found my kids diaperless in the morning. UGH. So I decided today that I am going to phase out my H + L pockets that we use for overnight diapering. If I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't even buy H + L dipes. I know that some brands have very strong H + L and that can be a catch-22 because the stronger the H + L, sometimes the harder it is to open the laundry tab to put it on your kid. This is the case with the Best Bottoms H + L. It is so strong that I can barely get it open with one hand. But I'd rather have them have stronger H + L than not. I am bummed that I have to phase out many of my thirsties dipes and luckily I have several of their covers and AIO's in snaps so I can still use those. On the brighter side I get to buy new diapers!!! Weehoo!!
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