
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Welcome to Blog Hoppers and #Fluffybloggers

So I've been debating whether to make this blog "go public" by linking up to blog hops for newbie bloggers.  I am just not certain that anyone cares about my kids, my opinions, my experiences or anything else I write about.  Many times, linking up requires some sort of hosted giveaway or other requirements that I am not sure I will have time for.  Then this morning I read on about a blog hop that is cloth diaper-centric but which doesn't require any extra time or posting.  So I though I'd give it a try.  So welcome if you've reached my blog through that link and THANK YOU to change-diapers for giving me an outlet to receive new followers!!  I also have been getting great support from #fluffybloggers.  WELCOME ALL!!!

Let me make a quick intro and then you can decide if you'd like to stay (ie subscribe by GFC, networked blogs or email).  My name is Jen Gardner and welcome to my blog, Experiment MOM (that is, Mom Of Multiples).  I have twin sons, Greyson and Jack, who are 8 months old.  before I had the twins I was an oncology research scientist in Boston MA for a large biotech company.  At about the time i conceived the twins by IVF, I was laid off when the company cut our department.  I welcomed the time off (with a nice severance pay to get us through) and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I had a fairly hard pregnancy.  At 24 weeks I was admitted to the hospital for previa bleeding and was there for a week.  The twins were fine and I was fine but it was all for precautionary reasons that they held me for a week.  I was on modified bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy.  At 36 weeks (August 2011) we welcomed the boys by scheduled c-section and they were both healthy and beautiful.

I had decided to cloth diaper the kids before we gave birth and was encouraged by several coworkers who also cloth diapered their young children.  My husband and I were able to take a CDing class at a local shop called the Diaper Lab and we were hooked.  I received several Little Joeys at my baby shower and I was very excited about cloth diapering, not just for the environmental aspect but also to save money CD'ing TWO at the same time.  In December of 2011 my husband took a job at his company that would require a move from MA to Southern California.  After a very quick 3 months of getting the house sold and all our stuff packed we are here and enjoying the weather although it is very hard to be so far from family.  So that is one of the reasons I started up my blog again, to have an outlet and to share what is going on with my life with my family and friends.  But you are most welcome to follow along and please if you have any comments or questions (CDing, IVF, science etc) please don't hesitate to ask!!.  My topics can include crafts, photography, kids, cloth diapering, CD reviews eventually, nature, science etc.  Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy the blog!!


  1. Hi there, I found you on the cloth diaper blog hop! Great to see a new mama cloth diapering twins:-) We have a cloth diapering bloggers group on facebook if you would like to join! It's a great resource for new bloggers too! Would love to have you! Just request to join, and I will approve you!

  2. Thanks Julie!! I appreciate your support!!
