
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mother's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Hop

Have you ever heard of a "giveaway hop?" Basically  a bunch of blog writers get together and sponsor a giveaway for a product or products that usually fall under some sort of theme.  This is a great way to promote your blog/twitter posts and it also introduces people to your products (for example, if you are a work-at-home- mom making things like cloth diapers etc...).  After winning a couple of giveaways lately I have to say that I am HOOKED on entering giveaways especially for cloth diapers and accessories.  Usually the blogs have an entry form supported by a program called Rafflecoptor which makes entering easy.  They usually require you to LIKE their facebook pages and their sponsor's pages as well as follow them on twitter,GFC,networked blogs, email updates and/or pinterest and SOME forms require a little more, like commenting on their blog post and/or visiting sponsor pages.  It can be a lot of work but then again it might be worth it to win free stuff!!

So the most recent "hop" that I am doing in the Mother's Day Cloth Diaper Hop.  It is hosted by Daily Mothering and has about 100 blogs all linked together to giveaway a TON of cool stuff.  I personally only enter the ones that have actual cloth diapers in the prize packages and if the kids are being crabby I only do the easy one-click entries like LIKE facebook pages and follow on twitter. I can only ignore my children for so long.  I'll have to admit that i have stayed up for several hours past my bedtime to enter giveaways.  It can get addicting. Guilty as charged.

One of the blogs on the hop, Mamantics, is sponsoring a package with a Babu Baby cloth diaper in it.  Here is the link.  Good luck and hope you win something!