
Monday, September 12, 2011

Sept 11, 10 years later

So yesterday was September 11.  It was a Sunday and a beautiful day at that.  10 years ago I was at work at Biogen in Kendall Sq in Cambridge.  I was probably setting up an experiment.  My friend Jorge was already in the lab as well and our friend Beth was down the hall listening to NPR.  At a quarter to 9 the first airplane hit one of the twin towers in NYC.  There was confusion - someone reported on the radio that thought they saw a red dot on the plane - was it a Japanese plane??  I don't really remember what all we did next but i do remember that they set up TV feeds i the cafeteria and auditorium.  It was dark and people were stunned to watch the tower on fire.  And then the second plane hit.  Still hushed confusion.  Were we under attack?  From whom?? OMG my boyfriend is working in down town Boston.  Will they evacuate?  Is he okay?  Are we ok?  Finally got a hold of John. Yes they are going to evacuate his building at Charles River Plaza.  Hope he can get home - mass evacs clog the roads and trains.  Should i go home to my apartment in Allston? Or should we stay put and figure out what is going on? I decide to stay put and we watch the rest of the events unfold on TV: pentagon, pennsylvania, towers falling.  It was amazing and I will never forget.  To this day I can't watch any of the footage.  I can't watch any of the made for TV movies or specials about that day - even the ones about heroes.  It was my generation's President Kennedy Assassination.  We'll always remember where we were, and we'll Never Forget.  9/11/2001

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