
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cloth Diapers. Why not?

So when we were in the process of getting pregnant we started to think about cloth diapering.  I was pretty ignorant about the subject as I think a lot of people are, especially we children of the 70's who grew up in prefolds, getting stuck with diaper pins and wearing plastic pants.  I happened to have a friend at the time who had cloth diapered her two children and I was curious.  How much do they cost?  How do you handle poop?  Well after a bit of research I stumbled upon the Diaper Lab website.  Turns out there is a whole STORE devoted to cloth diapers - and it was in Somerville - only 5 minutes away from my work!    So one day we took off during lunch and visited the store.  WOW!  Who knew there were so many cool options - prefolds, all-in-ones, pocket diapers, one-sizes. Fleece, organic cotton,  bamboo velour, microfiber, wool!  And the prints - too precious for words!!  I thought to myself that this would be awesome - we can save a bunch of money in the long run and do our part to not add to the landfills.  I was sold, but how would i convince the hubby?  There had to be something besides just the money issue.  They were essentially just as easy as disposables ("sposies" in diapering lingo).  I knew where his hangup would be (and frankly, mine as well) and that was the issue of poop.  What do you do with the poop?  After having multiple dogs for so many years we have had our share of picking up poop.  Gross.  You never get used to it.  Okay here was the saving grace - newborn poop of breastfeed and formula fed babies is water soluble.  That means you don't have to remove it before the dipes go right into the washing machine.  AWESOME.  That gives us several  months to get used to 1. having multiple kids, and 2. having to change upwards of 24 diapers a day before we have to deal with plopping poop into the toilet.  Nice.  The hubby was sold.  We took a class to learn about all the options and other diapering accessories.  I started reading mommy blogs about cloth diapers and all the schools of thought on which brands are best esp for newborns, how to launder and what types of detergent to use and not use, diaper creams that are cloth diaper approved etc.  So that was that.  By another friend I was turned to cloth diaper rentals which seemed like a great option for the newborn phase because they would grow out of them so quickly.  So we ended up renting 30 of the Kissaluvs Kissas size 0 with about 9 covers (mix of snaps and velcro).  Now, we just needed to add babies!!

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