
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Release Today - Fizzle Pop from The Urban Fairy and Fan Freebie!

Today The Urban Fairy released her newest Little Kit, Fizzle Pop.  It is a contrast kit with a few beautiful and elegant black papers and some very cute elements.

"Fizzle pop is a lovely little kit with a pop of color on dark backgrounds! I've made sure to include a light colored paper as well! The 20 elements are perfect for layering and this is an ideal kit for some white space or elegance!"

Here is the kit preview. It can be found at the Digital Scrapbooking Studio here for only $1.75 right now.
And as a bonus, she has designed a coordinating set of colored papers available as a March 2013 Fan Freebie on her facebook site.

You can find them here and make sure to LIKE her page in order to access the fan freebie!!

Ok on to my layouts. Unfortunately I used elements from both the kit and the fan freebie so none of my layouts appear in the advertisting for the kit. Live and learn!!

Here is a cute layout of my husband's niece Lily. Isn't she a doll?
TUF Fizzle Pop and March2013 Fan Freebie

And here is a cute pict of my friend Tami's twins dressed as fairies.  Tami actually has TWO sets of twin girls. Can you imagine?  I am sure I will be featuring more picts of them in the future.  Thanks, Tami, for sharing all your great pictures with me!

TUF Fizzle Pop and March2013 Fan Freebie

The next layout featured our friend Ray's daughter.  We had her over for a playdate recently and she started hoarding all the balls we had out.  It was too cute not to take a picture of. I love her expression and I just knew I had to scrap it with the title MINE!!

TUF Fizzle Pop and March2013 Fan Freebie
And the LAST layout is a bit unexpected: It's a Banana Slug!  SO elegant! lol.  We met this interesting creature in the Muir Woods on a trip to San Fran a few years ago.  These are some big slugs (and the only real thing I knew about banana slugs was that they are the mascot for UC Santa Cruz. Thank you, Pulp Fiction) but they are really cool.  I was able to get a couple really nice shots and you can even see his vasculature.

TUF Fizzle Pop and March2013 Fan Freebie
Well that's it for this release. I hope you enjoyed the layouts.  Please leave me a comment or GFC me if you like my work!!  I'd really appreciate it.

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