
Monday, July 9, 2012

Ways My Kids are like Dogs

Some people said when we were pregnant that raising kids is like raising puppies.  We definitely had some trials and tribulations with Biggie when he was a puppy, hence he is not crate trained (sleeps in bed, spoon-style with the hubby) and is spoiled rotten.  I've noticed a couple of similarities between the two and here is my list:

1. They like to beg.  This picture pretty much says it all

2. They nip.  Jack has 7 teeth and Greyson has 4.  Just in the past couple of days Greyson has been grabbing my head as is he's going in for a kiss and has bitten my cheek.  Oy - teething in dogs and babies is a real challenge. I remember Biggie once ate a hole in the wall when he was a puppy.

3. They use the dog door.  OMG - he didn't go through and we're working on baby-proofing the kitchen

4. They sleep in bed with us.  Notice the black pug dog has gotten ousted by the baby.

5. They like to lick plates clean
6. They love chew toys.  Actually the kids like these better than the dogs. (And no I don't let him chew on it for any length of time)
7. The "Come" but only for treats


  1. Cute post. Kids are a bit like dogs. lol

  2. Too funny! I always my my two are worse than dogs when it comes to begging! They are terrible, glad I'm not the only one. thanks for following me, I'm following you back.

  3. I know many will agree when I say that owning a dog is a lot like raising a kid. There’s so much work, yet so many rewards as well. :] Anyway, I’m glad your toddlers are getting along so well with your dogs. A lot of dogs actually take responsibility of their human siblings, even as they grow outgrow them eventually. :D

    -->Mariah Blum
