
Friday, July 13, 2012

Upcycling Challenge: Glass Bottle to Artwork

I have had my eye on this craft tutorial from Two Delighted for a while now just waiting for the right opportunity to recreate these beautiful Anthropologie-inspired paint drip bottles.  I have collected a couple of clear glass beer bottles and thought this would be a great opportunity to try out this technique.   Basically you just pour in some acrylic paint (either start at the top or bottom, your choice) and let it flow down the sides.   You can turn the bottle as it flows to create more swirly patterns or just leave it straight to create a more modern look. I started with the more saturated colors and added lighter colors in the same colorway for the second and third layers of paint.  I did notice that over time the colors to swirl and run more together if you use too much paint.  If you start with paint at the bottom, you can prop the bottle over a foil pan and let the excess paint drip out so that drying time will be quicker.  Otherwise you will probably get a blob of paint at the bottom that will take a while to dry.

Here is my tester in the brown colorway:

And here is my blue colorway. I love it and I think i'll use it to decorate my super boring bathroom.


Update: 7/15/2012
So after allowing the bottle to dry for a couple of days, the paint shifted quite a bit but I have to say that I am still very happy with the results.  It reminds me of sand art mixed with those Missoni prints that were at Target last year.  Take a look at the final results:

This post is part of the Upcycled Crafting Challenge (#freefromtrash) hosted by Calley, The Eco Chic, and is part of a one month challenge to create from trash.  This challenge will hopefully open your eyes to the number of items that we still end up trashing every day that could be used by ourselves or our kids to create fun and useful items.  To find out more about the challenge and to see other projects click on over to Calley’s announcement post.

1 comment:

  1. i love this project, the colours are fantastic

    Dawn @ Pretty Shabby UK
