
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Upcycled Challenge: Phone Book (but I used an Encyclopedia) as Art #freefromtrash

I have been wanting to make this for a LONG time and when today's challenge article was a phonebook,  I thought, well, since we have no phone books on hand I can substitute this old (circa 1982) encyclopedia that was, let's face it, headed for the trash.  Along with phone books, who the heck still uses encyclopedias?  I bet "kids these days" don't even know what encyclopedias are (and yes, for the record every time i type encyclopedia i sing E-N-C-Y-C-l-o-p-e-d-i-ayyyyy)
Ok so here is what i did:

1. Find an old encyclopedia
2. Find a cute stamp (I used a 1$ butterfly stamp that i picked up at Michael's recently) and stamp pad
3. Locate interesting page (i used the page with the word butterfly on it) and remove gently with scissors
4. trim edges if necessary
5. Stamp on page
6. Frame

Adorable, right?  It was hard to photograph silver ink on an off-white background so a more contrasting color might look better.  Would look cute in a boy's BUG room or a girls LADYBUG room.

This project was shared with:
The Well Crafted Home

This post is part of the Upcycled Crafting Challenge (#freefromtrash) hosted by Calley, The Eco Chic, and is part of a one month challenge to create from trash.  This challenge will hopefully open your eyes to the number of items that we still end up trashing every day that could be used by ourselves or our kids to create fun and useful items.  To find out more about the challenge and to see other projects click on over to Calley’s announcement post.


  1. That is so cute. I have yet to do anything with old pages or music sheets. You have just inspired me. Rhonda

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my party! I love this idea! Its so cute!
