
Friday, July 6, 2012

Upcycled Challenge: Milk Jug to Clam shell container #freefromtrash

I'll admit, on this one I turned to Pinterest.  I didn't want to do the usual milk jug ideas and needed a tad of inspiration.  Plus I needed it to be quick as I need to catch up with all my fellow Upcycled Challenge ladies!!
Ran across a pin about making a reusable clam shell container and I thought it might be cute as a package for my friend's bracelet-making business.  I think the finished product came out really cute but next time, I would remove all labels, be more careful with drawing the template lines, and for something like a bracelet, probably use 1/2 gallon or even quart sized containers to start. Oh and I might paint it - maybe blue or silver!! This size would be good for transporting a sandwich!

I think the original idea came from this article at FamilyFun Magazine

Easy Peasy:
1. Draw template lines on gallon jug
2. Cut on lines
3. Fold down the four sides
4. Add decorative closure. I used a button, secured on the inside with a small piece of pipe cleaner and a piece of decorative cording recycled from a wedding favor gift bag.

The finished height of the clam shell is about 2 inches.

This post is part of the Upcycled Crafting Challenge (#freefromtrash) hosted by Calley, The Eco Chic, and is part of a one month challenge to create from trash.  This challenge will hopefully open your eyes to the number of items that we still end up trashing every day that could be used by ourselves or our kids to create fun and useful items.  To find out more about the challenge and to see other projects click on over to Calley’s announcement post.